Protecting your home computer is an important step to preventing fraud. Always select passwords that are difficult to guess, and add numbers and special characters to your passwords to stop identity thieves before they can even begin. Also, be wary of incoming emails asking you to update your personal information. They may appear legitimate, but are often fraudulent.

Please Note - BayPort Credit Union will never send emails asking members to provide, update or verify personal account information, such as passwords, Social Security numbers, PINs, credit or debit card numbers, or other confidential information.

Virus Protection

Protecting your PC begins with having appropriate virus protection. A computer virus is a malicious program designed to bring your computer to a screeching halt. Some viruses can hijack information from your computer. The good news is that you can protect your computer with Virus Protection software. This is designed to scan your computer as well as files that you download to ensure that no viruses infect your computer. Below are some popular Virus Protection tools.

Spyware Protection

Spyware programs are designed to monitor your personal computing habits. Sometimes, these programs are harmless and will only slow down your computer. However, in the case of malware, a form of spyware, these programs can actually seek to obtain personal information on your computer. Spyware can be obtained by downloading programs from certain sites or simply visiting a site. Choose carefully which sites you choose to download programs from as these can affect the performance of your computer as well as put your information at risk. These are some popular spyware protection tools:

Computer Firewalls

Firewalls are programs designed to protect your computer as you use the internet. Think of them as your personal internet bodyguards. They help to screen out hackers, viruses, block pop-up windows, and prevent spyware from installing on your computer without your consent. Firewalls are the first line of defense for your computer. It is important that before you start surfing, you have your firewall enabled. These are some popular firewall programs:

Best Practices

Consider these Online Banking Best Practices to help keep your personal and/or business information secure:

If you have any questions, please contact us by calling the Member Information Center at 757.928.8850 or 800.928.8801. BayPort Credit Union is committed to improving the lives of our members in the Tidewater and Hampton Roads, Virginia, area