Online Banking Username Policy:

  • Default value is at least 6 characters long and no longer than 32 characters.  
  • Cannot be all numbers (can be all letters or characters)
  • Can contain letters, numbers and the following special characters: @$*_-=.!~
  • Cannot contain any whitespace (spaces are not allowed: including before, in the middle of, or after the username)

Online Banking Password Policy:

  • Must be between 6 and 32 characters
  • Must contain characters from at least two of the following three categories:
    • Letters
    • Numbers
    • Any special characters
  • Cannot contain any whitespace (spaces are not allowed: including before, in the middle of or after the password)
  • Cannot be purely alphabetic (ex: "password"), numeric (ex: "123456"), or symbolic (ex: "#$#$#") , This needs to include a combination of 2 or 3 of these options, IE alphabetic and numeric, or numeric and symbolic, etc. It can also include all 3.
  • Cannot be a substring of the username or User ID