To view Interest and Dividend Details, follow the steps below.

  • Step 1: Login to Online Banking.
  • Step 2: Select 'My Accounts'
  • Step 3: Select the account name you wish to view details about.
  • Step 4: When you are viewing the transaction history for the selected account; click the 'See account details' link. This will display the Interest and Dividend details.

Note: Only loans with a current balance will be available on eBranch to display the Interest information. For loans that are paid off and closed, contact the credit union for further information. Mortgage related interest paid tax documents and 1099INT forms will be mailed out in January. 1099INT forms are mailed only when $10 or more is earned through dividend and interest in the given year. These will be mailed to the address on your account. Please make sure we have your updated home address