If your passwords are pre-filled when you visit a website this is related to your web browser storing this information. In order to remove the password please complete the following for your given browser type.

Don’t know what browser type you use? Click here to fine out.

Internet Explorer

  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Go to the Tools menu (may appear as a gear icon) > click Internet Options
  3. Click the Content tab
  4. Click the Settings button under “Auto Complete”
  5. Remove the check mark for “User names and passwords on forms”
  6. Click Delete AutoComplete history…
  7. Check Form data and Passwords
  8. Click Delete
  9. Click OK*

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox
  2. Go to the Tools menu (may appear as a 3-line icon) > click Options
  3. Click the Security icon
  4. Remove the check mark for “Remember passwords for sites”
  5. To clear any saved user names and passwords, click Show Passwords or Saved Passwords
  6. Select the site and user name to remove and click Remove, or click Remove All to clear all saved
  7. Click Close
  8. Click OK*

Google Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Click the 3-line icon > click Settings
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the settings and click Show advanced settings…
  4. Locate the section labelled “Passwords and forms”
  5. Remove the check mark for “Offer to save your web passwords.”
  6. If needed click “Manage passwords” to manage any currently saved passwords
  7. Close the Settings window*


  1. Open Safari
  2. Go to SafariPreferences
  3. Click the AutoFill icon
  4. Remove the check mark for “User names and passwords”
  5. To clear any saved user names and passwords, click Edit to the right of “User names and passwords”
  6. Select the website and user name to remove and click Remove, or click Remove All to clear all saved
  7. Click Done
  8. Close Preferences*


*You may have to close out of your current open browser session to force the changes into place. Close all open windows and restart your browser. Or, if easier you can shutdown or restart your device to ensure a fresh session