When experiencing an error message when logging into your online account, try the following steps to resolve the error message. 

*Note: If the error message states the provided login information is invalid please make sure your account username and password are correct. BayPort offers online features for recovering forgotten usernames and passwords which are located on the Online Banking login page. If your account is locked due to invalid attempts please contact us.

Step 1:

1. Close all open windows on your computer.
2. Open a new browser window and retry logging into Online Banking.
3. Continue to Step 2 if the error still appears.

Step 2: 

1. Determine your web browser's version. Help
2. Delete your browser's cache and cookies. Help
3. Close all open windows on your computer.
4. Open a new browser window and retry logging into Online Banking.
5. Continue to Step 3 if the error still appears.

Step 3:

1. Check your browser's security settings; for recommended settings visit our Browsers and Settings web page.
2. Close all open windows on your computer.
3. Open a new browser window and retry logging into Online Banking.
4. Continue to Step 4 if the error still appears.

Step 4:

Try a different web browser (i.e. if you use Internet Explorer try Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome) if you do not have another browser already installed on your computer BayPort provides browser download links on our Browsers and Settings web page for easy access. You can also try another computer.

After trying the above tips and still continuing to receive the error message, 
contact us.

What information will I need when reporting an error message to BayPort?

  • What browser version is being used (i.e. Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 15.0.1)?
  • Who provides your Internet service (i.e. Verizon, Cox)?
  • Are you using a PC or Mac?
  • What is the error message and/or error code being received?
  • If willing, providing a password to your eBranch account will allow BayPort to quickly identify the error and begin resolving