What are some of the things the counselor can do to help me based on my needs and situation?
Set up workable spending and payment plans, show you ways to reduce spending, increase income, save, and set goals for the future, especially if you are li...
Thu, 5 Dec, 2019 at 1:03 AM
What are some warning signs that point to financial trouble?
Having no savings or using savings to pay routine bills. Missing payments or paying bills late, including your mortgage. Borrowing from one credit card t...
Thu, 5 Dec, 2019 at 1:04 AM
What does the financial counselor do?
The Credit Union's Financial Counselor helps members establish an effective plan to better manage their finances, balance their checkbook, and understan...
Thu, 5 Dec, 2019 at 1:05 AM
When should I seek financial counseling?
You should see a counselor to avoid getting into financial trouble. It is so much easier to learn early on how to avoid financial disaster, than to try to d...
Thu, 5 Dec, 2019 at 1:05 AM
Who should seek the financial counselor?
Anyone who does not have a good workable spending plan and wants help making changes in their finances, such as bill payment plans, getting out of debt, sav...
Thu, 5 Dec, 2019 at 1:06 AM